Friday, 13 January 2017

new (and old) music friday #12: fleetwood mac, oh wonder, erasure, U2

i'm not normally one for new year's resolutions but one of my aims for the year was to try and post here more regularly, and so i present another round-up of my favourite songs from the last week. 

1. fleetwood mac

while at home last weekend i watched an excellent BBC 4 documentary about the band, titled don't stop, which can be found here. as a result, i was reminded of how much i love their eleventh (!!) album rumours, as most people probably do. i've been listening to it, as well as some of their 80s hits big love, everywhere and little lies, and trying desperately not to cry every time i hear landslide. if you can make it through the entire song without shedding at least one tear, i applaud you. 

2. oh wonder

this next artist is one i've heard of thanks to troye sivan professing his love for them on many occasions, but i'd never properly listened to them until i was creating the playlist for this week's post. when i searched for the song "landslide" the first track that appeared on spotify was not the fleetwood mac version, but instead a track of the same name by oh wonder. intrigued, i listened to it, and the rest of their self-titled debut album, and was suitably impressed. my favourite tracks include body gold, heart hope, plans, and technicolour beat

3. bebe rexha

another artist who i'd heard of a while back, who found fame after the release of a track with nicki minaj, bebe rexha's latest offering i got you is an infectiously catchy club bop, and in the video she serves some serious Looks, with the whole thing reminiscent of shania twain's video for that don't impress me much. if you ask me, it won't be long before clubs up and down the country are putting this song on their playlists, but until then it remains a firm fixture in my Getting Ready To Go Out playlist

4. erasure

leave it to my mother to introduce me to some of the most excellent, somewhat obscure 80s bands. while back home, she insisted on playing me blue savannah by erasure, and though i didn't take to it at first, i've now been playing it on repeat, as she knew i eventually would. next time i go home i'm sure she won't be surprised to hear me asking her to play it when we indulge in another music fest from the comfort of the living room. 

i also highly recommend a little respect, a song that brings back fond memories of my best friend and i driving down the motorways of our tiny suburban town with this song at full volume. we also made it our karaoke song of choice one night in a bar on canal street, but the man in charge obviously deemed us too drunk as we never got to perform it, though it was probably for the best. 

5. U2

again, my mother introduced me to this song, the unforgettable fire, which is the only one by U2 i will (probably) ever enjoy. the only other exception is this cover of where the streets have no name by 30 seconds to mars, which my 16 year old self devoured, and it still gives me goosebumps to this day. the band have enjoyed somewhat of a resurgence lately with the announcement of their tour in support of 1987's joshua tree, with support from noel gallagher. if oasis still have no plans to reform, perhaps this is the closest fans will get to seeing the legend live, but i'm still holding out hope that one day the boys from burnage will come together once more.

this week's playlist can be found here

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